Monday, April 03, 2006


Freedom for the Traditional Latin Mass

The rumors regarding this have been steadily growing all week. Since
Sunday, we have increasingly heard that something was imminent.
Yesterday, ACIPrensa published in Spanish that the Holy Father would
grant freedom to the Traditional Latin Mass. And today, our dear
friends at the extremely trustworthy Archivum have published that His
Holiness actually signed yesterday the papal act granting (or
recognizing) this freedom (Archivum reminds its readers that this has
always been one of the negotiating conditions for the Society of
Saint Pius X).

We had been shy to report this (which is why we suggested the "grain
of salt") because some extremely important details, regarding the
exact nature of the act itself and of the amplitude given (or
recognized) to priests, are still missing. When we have the details
(and when we can confirm the date of signing), we will post them as
soon as possible.

P.S. We are still somewhat doubtful -- not because we do not trust
these sources, but because this optimism seems familiar to us and may
lead to disappointment. We really need to see this published... Let
us pray, let us pray!

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